Monday, June 20, 2016

Days 6 & 7 Identity

The parts of my personality that has changed over the years have not been changes to my identity. Your identity never changes. Who you are is who you are. In that, people don't ever change. What does change is the shedding of the adaptive behaviors, coping skills, codependent attributes necessary to survive dysfunctional, abusive relationships/situations for which I/we become immersed. Every coin has two sides and to that end so too do any personality/identity traits. For example some folks have an addictive personality, but that in and of itself is not a bad trait to have. When you're in a functional core relationship, addictive traits are the side of the coin of being on top of things (such as nutrition, workouts, house, etc.). It is when that same trait is exposed to dysfunction/abuse (over time), that it flips to less desirable means (such as overeating, drinking, drugs, lack of self-care to the extreme, etc.). Each and every core identity trait has a yin (passive, negative) and a yang (active, positive). If you're yin'ing more than you're yang'ing, then pause to look at your environmental cause(s) for which you are reacting. Changes will need to be made for you to yang! 

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