Saturday, June 18, 2016

Day 5 Bent, But Not Broken

Over the course of my 43 years on this earth, I have been brought to my knees many times, beaten down to the point a handful of times for which I thought I was permanently broken. I wasn't broken because my spirit was never broken. You can get knocked down, nearly knocked out, rock bottomed out, but as long as you don't allow you or someone else to break your're not broken beyond repair. Repair comes in small steps away from the wreckage and forward into something better than before!

Having recently been in one of those handful of occurrences when I thought I might actually completely break this time, that place of utter broken despair, the wounds are still fresh. The fight for survival is still in the baby steps forward, but I'm back up. Not full strength, but the spark to get there is lit! From feeling that there is nothing hopeful anymore, all hope gone, my fight lost, to now remembering what I am fighting for and knowing that while I can be knocked to my knees, I will never be fully broken!!! 

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