Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Day 15 Measuring Progress

Measuring progress of any kind can be tricky. Sometimes it's even unmeasurable regardless of time put into it. I am a very goal oriented person, and like anyone, I like to see the fruits of my labor. So try this, don't let the visible outcome be what you strive for most....Rather, let the focus be on your "balance factor". How do you feel with your habit changes? Better, worse, indifferent. If you feel "less than" when changing a lifestyle factor/habit, then you need to assess the why. Do you feel ick because of external factors, or because you don't see the point, or because you expected more unicorns from your efforts??? Sometimes we put too much emphasis on magical occurrences because we have arrived at a change of habits/heart/mind/actions that was particularly challenging for us to reach. Your change, provided it's for the betterment of you for solid reasons, should be reward enough. Your internal dialogue should be yang'ng all over the place; but if not, then something might be amiss. You might be changing for external factors (to please someone, etc.) and not for the right reasons. It could just be that you feel you are having to meet/reach some standard you (or some idea of you from an external force) has put on you. Either way, you need to find a corner and sort through it. Measure your progress by how balanced you feel in the unseen of it all!

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