Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Day 1 Acceptance

Acceptance can be a bear! Sometimes being "happy" where you are while working to where you want to go can be a thorny existence. Especially when other people's (external forces) pull against you getting to a mental headspace of accepting your current reality and/or actively sabotage your efforts to get to a destination beyond your present reality. The thing is that there is joy and happiness to be had in each moment and circumstance regardless of external forces, even in the worst present realities.

If all we are looking at is the struggle, then we miss out on the joy to be had along the way of any journey. Joy, happiness, peace, balance do not occur often if we only "feel" it in times of easy, reward, everything how we want it states ('cause those are rare states indeed). It is very much an internal outlook accessible anytime, anywhere, regardless of situation. Gratitude begets peace. Perspective begets balance. Responsibility - Ownership - Growth begets joy. Acceptance of reality sans the "victim" state begets the ability to be grateful, acquire perspective outside yourself, and grow beyond yourself and any present reality.

My mantra at the moment is: --Do not fall in the paradox of what you do not possess possessing you-- I don't possess anything beyond myself. I am only responsible for myself (thoughts, actions, habits, growth, understanding, knowledge, etc.). Anything material or another person is not in my ability to change. Allowing someone else's script, motives, dysfunctional behavior, manipulations, has no bearing on me (or within me) if I disallow it. My boundaries are important and my identity should be protected. I am worth as much effort as I put toward anyone/anything else, and I am happy with where I am while still striving to get to a better destination (health, growth, understanding, balance). I can want change (internal/external) and still find peace, beauty, balance, gratitude, perspective, and joy within my current existence! 

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