Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Day 44 Happiness

Happiness is a fleeting thing...or can be....I used to think that happiness as a whole (and sometimes even a part) was as rare as unicorns. Happiness, like balance, ebbs and flows for sure, but I now know it's not as temporary or rare as I used to think it was. I now know that if you follow the "pyramid" (below) and deal functionally with everyone (not taking what's not yours under your wing to control or take personally), then life is pretty sweet, joyful, and happy. Life these days is more happy than I ever thought possible. I still work a lot, struggle at times, dabble in and out of stress, but the difference in now and then (when I didn't think happiness was a thing) is I don't let emotional harm "happen to me" by letting bad in my circle. No, I'm not in a bubble. Yes, interactions with non-pyramid followers happens and is part of life. But, the difference (key difference) is I only allow the good, functional, nonabusive into my inner self. I discovered the matrix to happiness, and it's not keeping in dysfunctional inner strife. Clean your circle and get your happiness on....

1.    Universal Laws are true laws in nature and defined by God. To keep these laws, one must simply and always apply the Golden Rule of treating others as they would wish to be treated. Be true to your word and your actions as such.
2.    Identity is your true self. Protection of both your identity and those around you is paramount in keeping with the adherence of Universal Law.
3.    Boundaries are the border of self-protection; the emotional space that you allow or disallow others to participate. Boundaries never violate the Universal Laws, nor do they violate your Identity or the Identity of others.
4.   House Rules are the foundation of the governing body where you reside. House Rules should never impede upon your Boundaries or your Identity and as such will never break Universal Laws.
5.    Preferences are simply your personal likes and dislikes. Preferences have to stay within the appropriate infrastructure created by Universal Laws, yours/others Identity, yours/others Boundaries, and House Rules.

6.   Peer Pressure is never okay in manipulating to gain one’s own desires or against oneself or another. Asking for a desire in compliance with Universal Laws, yours/others Identity, yours/others Boundaries, House Rules, and Preferences is good communication as long as once rejected or accepted is honored and not coerced. Always being true to the Golden Rule is key in steering away from the bad of Peer Pressure. Always being true to your Identity and Boundaries is key in keeping from performing under unspoken Peer Pressure.

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