Friday, October 16, 2015

All About Balance

from previous Post: Still Searching For Balance?
Balance is fleeting! We no sooner think we've found it and poof it's gone. Sometimes the stressors in a new situation can cause this poof, and sometimes we just get lax in our daily practices that achieve balance does it. Not overfunctioning or underfunctioning in our daily lives is a tricky little harmonization. The best course of action when it all seems "undone" is to sit quietly and make a list of everything on your plate...the big and little stuff. Break your list down into two lists of daily and long term, and then prioritize. Just having it all on paper and out of your head helps tremendously. Having set goals of everything in a reasonable timeframe frees up your mental traffic jam.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. The simple act of knowing exactly where I am in the midst of life is one of the most helpful items at charting a course to my destination. And yet it is one of the things I procrastinate the most at, lol. My fear is always worse than the reality, and like navigating without a map, I always end up further away from my destination if I keep blindly pressing on.
