Monday, September 21, 2015

To Thine Own Word Be True

Where friends and family come together is where the stress of boundaryless relationships happen! Preempt such needless stress by the simple (and practice driven) task of being true to your word. What does this mean? It means not having to say you are sorry for saying something you didn't mean. It means not having to feel bad for talking behind someone's back. It means being intentional with the words that come out of your mouth. It means the dialogue in your thoughts and speech are true to what is in your heart. Does this mean you will always be accepted or "nice"....NO, but it does mean that you are kind and honest. It does mean that you are true to your beliefs and adhere to the Golden Rule. Think it's'd be wrong, but with practice it does become habit and in that it becomes easy. So, practice your honest, boundaryful, true to your word approach to all of your relationships as it will make your every day life much simpler ones!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely! Nothing ruins a perfectly timed and flawlessly executed airing of grievances against someone who has wronged me like having to apologize to them later. It's very tempting to cross that blurry line between honestly conveying feelings and factual history, and entering into the territory of actively destroying the person who caused the pain.
    Then on the flipside it becomes easier to just ignore the whole thing, and never establish my boundaries or confront the inappropriate behavior. But then, how could I ever have any kind of relationship with someone I don't respect enough to be transparent with my words?
    Balance... it looks so easy on paper.
