Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Let Go Your EGO

So what's the single, one thing holding you back? Believe it or not, it's your ego. Think about how a two year old behaves, acts, reacts, etc., yep that's us in a nutshell, if we never let go of that ego....all the way let go. It's not money, looks, weight, haves or have nots that make us miserable, it's that beast within dictating our reactions and insecurities. It matters not what you have or do not have; what you can do or not do; where you are on this planet amongst the Milky Way that prohibits you from being your true self and happy....it's your two year old ego in your adult body! No ego you say? Believe it or not that's ego too. If you truly let go of your ego, you can live and breathe freely not mucking up your mind with what anyone thinks of your being. You can live the Four Agreements fully and honestly without constantly feeling bad about you. We are all a work in progress and continually needing to grow beyond our current state, but doing so for someone else to perceive us as wonderful isn't growth, it's ego and for the wrong reasons!

So What Are The Four Agreements

1 comment:

  1. Like so many life lessons, this one came around to me again when trying to "parent" my kids (they always seem to teach me more than I could ever teach them). Explaining to them that their ego is worrying constantly if someone likes them, trying to hide their flaws and impress their friends instead of just being themselves, arguing a point they know is flawed simply because it's the position they started with, trying to hide their mistakes and blaming them on an excuse or scapegoat, holding a grudge and refusing to forgive.... then the lens of self-examination kicks in and I can only trail off for a minute; realizing how I never really grew out of ego.
