Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Boundaries are important for functional, healthy relationships. They are not walls so much as guidelines for appropriate behavior. They define what is and is not acceptable within particular relationships. Violations occur within relationships when either boundaries are not enforced or are disregarded. Boundaries are not limits of love, but of acceptable and suitable behavior. Different types of relationships naturally require different forms of boundaries than other types. Also, they are based on discernment of an individual making necessary certain boundaries.....as without such the relationship would be imbalanced to the negative. Establishing, enforcing, and adhering to healthy boundaries is the most loving thing you can do to sustain a relationship. Within healthy boundaries there is not negative or resentful seeds to grow into thought or action.


  1. I was talking with someone about relationships and how I was finding out that boundaries were maybe the most important aspect to a healthy relationship. They said, "well, I'm &*%#ed"
    What is a relationship boundary? I mean in our minds. I did a quick Google Image search. I see fences, barbed wire, signs that say "Do Not Cross This Line", and "Out of Bounds", or "Say NO!". I guess I think of boundaries like the bones of a relationship. Without that framework, a person would just be a blob. You need a strong frame to grow the muscle, sinew, and beautiful skin of a healthy relationship.
