Monday, April 13, 2015

Accentuate The Postitive

Negative mindset = Negative outcomes ... every time! Accentuate the positive with gratitude for what you do have and positive outcomes abound ... every time! Example: Lack of time ... So here is one everyone struggles with: lack of time to get tasks done at work, at home & lack of quality time with family, friends, and self. First, don't waste time you do have in front of the television or on the internet mindlessly soothing or procrastinating. It's one thing to watch television as a conscious allotment of time for self, but it's entirely another thing to waste time mindlessly and then regretting what you could have done with that time instead. Use the time you have to tackle the stuff you can realistically get done and let go of what couldn't get done as lamenting the "can'ts" is the very mindset that will only bog you down in negative results. If you go into a day with the gratitude of having another day before you that you "can" do a, b, and c, you will get so much more accomplished than if the entire time you are fretting how impossible it all is. Same with quality time...sure, it'd be nice to have unlimited time with the ones you love, but the reality is we have finite time so make the best out of what you have in the moments you have them. Rather than regretting not spending more time with your kids, make the most out of the time you do have, by actually mindfully engaging them in conversations. An "all in" conversation with a loved one means more than countless hours of mindless presence in their company.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny that I can watch my kids, spend 15 minutes complaining about a simple, 5 minute task they have to do. But in essence I can turn right around and do the same thing, wasting hours procrastinating.
