Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Days 46-57 Inward

Being in a self-reflective place is good...pulling inward and disallowing for a time all the outside noise (outer circle of acquaintances, friends, social media, etc.). Giving yourself the space and time to view, analyze, assess your life and circumstances and ongoing influences for what they are in relative quiet from everyone else's persuading pushes and pulls (positive and negative) is necessary to find center and determine what is going right and what is going wrong and in need of correction. We are entirely too "plugged in" to all these pushes and pulls through agenda driven television and movies, social media, social groups (in person engagement.....actually those still exist in today's virtual realm of influence and interaction), news feeds, and the like. Unplug for a beat and sit in the quiet of your mind/thoughts/reflections. Life will still move all around you like a hummingbird at a feeder, but it can survive without you for a breath. Growth cannot exist without such quiet! Calm and balance cannot be had without such meditation....It is an illusion that our presence in this chatter is a helpful or good thing to those in the chatter or to us (it's all just noise distracting you from actual life)!

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