Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Days 58-64 Self Care

Self-care means different things to different people and depending on whether you are referring to physical, mental, or spiritual. Growing up in a dysfunctional home of many levels of dysfunction, all self-care was thought selfish and unacceptable....So, even something as simple and elementary as applying lotion to my body on a daily basis seems still trite and luxurious all at the same time. Intellectually, I know this to be silly. In practice, it takes a lot of effort. Similarly, taking time to work out is an ongoing struggle for most and one I've mostly overcome (by seeing it as helping my kiddos witness and practice taking care of oneself so they will habitually be healthy). Self-care on a mental level is being able to tend to one's own thoughts/needs and actually believing those are as important as anyone else's entitlement to such. It's difficult when one is overly engaged to be able to be quiet enough to get back to the basics of self-care. It's easier to be numb and just do and be socially involved....but that is neither functional, healthy, or long-term viable/sustainable. Always take the time to evaluate, reevaluate that you are moving forward not just being carried along in the daily push/pulls of existence! 

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