Monday, March 21, 2016

Dissecting The "Princess" Dream

Little girls and their princess movies.....the misnomer that pretty princesses get rescued by their prince charming is not the message...oye! First, the princesses in the movies that you root for (and the majority of the movies at that) are the ones that rescue themselves. They work and don't have a poor me attitude...they just do what's before them (usually in song). Sure, the critters help with chores and dress making, and there is a prince that shows up at the end, but the attitude of these princesses isn't the one of a slacking, lazy, worthless dame who sits around sighing while she awaits her rescue so she can then just sit on a pedestal and be worshiped. For crying out loud, she works before and after said prince. For that matter, the prince wouldn't even be interested in the princess if not for her abilities, talents, can do, feisty attitude. Where in the world did it become a dream that 'happily ever after' is not having to do anything and having it done for you because ... what you're worth being a slug? Why would any little girl (however young or old) want to be poured over while she is consistently less than a whole person? Complete yourself and be happy for it....only then will your prince (worth having) come!