Monday, August 31, 2015

Poor Me Rut

We've all had our "poor me" moments, but they should be very short lived. If you find yourself in that negative roundabout of being a poor me this and pitiful me that, then slap yourself out of it. It doesn't serve you. What are you getting out of that negative sad state anyway? It's obnoxious and only keeps you from progressing in a more positive, balanced life. Struggles are hard and evermore present, but there is happiness to be found regardless of the hardships. I'm not throwing the "find a silver lining" at you, just saying that even in the worst nightmares there is a glimmer of happiness and hope to cling to until the sun shines again. Only in finding that inner peace and positive rope will you be able to move beyond the hardship and into the solution!

1 comment:

  1. I really like that phrase, "let go of anything that no longer serves you". It sounded selfish to me, at a first glance. But when I thought about it, selfishness doesn't serve me; it leads to empty relationships and a lonely life.
    I find myself contemplating my routines, actions, survival responses. Does it serve me to ignite into an angry response when I've been wronged? No... out it goes. Does it serve me to wallow in self-pity because parts of my life didn't work out the way I planned? Nope; out it goes. Does it serve me to laugh at cat pictures on the Internet? Yup... keeping that one :)
