Monday, August 17, 2015

Bad Dating

So the approach of putting your best foot forward, showing the best parts of you, etc., when you are dating is so the wrong approach. The mindset of not letting a new friend or date (and potential mate) see all of you and hiding your worst qualities as long as you can, is a sure fire way to set up for a bad relationship. Why are you selling your future happiness short? So what if you find out early that you are not really going to work out with someone because you don't like their whole self or they don't like yours? Isn't it better to find out early, early on rather than too late and with much more heartbreak involved? Your best parts of you are the easy stuff for someone to love. A true test of a good match is finding a partner that isn't in-love with your icing, but your real, whole self. Put it out there and find who you will truly live happily ever after with for every layer you have!

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