Monday, March 23, 2015

You've Got This

Day in and day out just trying the best that you can and feeling like you aren't getting very far, and in fact most of the time feeling like you have taken several steps backwards?  Regardless of how you arrived on the road you are currently traveling, what obstacles you have had to overcome or endure, everyone's journey is about how they persevere.  Some persevere with a reverence that deserves awe.  Some persevere just barely.  Some struggle at their attempts to persevere and then just give in and give up and never overcome at all.  Perseverance doesn't come without the elbow grease of work and careful consideration of each choice in front of us.  Flailing doesn't equal failing.  To flail just means you are tasked with something just out of your reach and possibly out of your scope of skills or understanding at that very moment.  But, isn't that how we grow and develop?  If we were born knowing everything and being able to do anything, wouldn't that mitigate success and ultimately happiness?  To those who make life look easy, know it isn't and they have put in a lot of work to make it seem that way.  To those who struggle, know born from struggle is accomplishment and understanding and growth.  Just because we don't possess a skill or understanding in any one moment doesn't preclude us from gaining them.  Think of it this way:  Even mountain climbers have to prepare for the big hikes and even once carefully prepared have to pause at certain points to recoup before moving further up the mountain.  Life is about making the next right decision, then the next best movement forward (or upward), and sometimes it's about pausing and examining the obstacles before us.  Pause, Breathe, and Bootstrap Up because You've Got This!

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