Monday, July 13, 2015

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly Is Good....

Let your children see your mistakes....the good, the bad, and the ugly. Kids benefit by not having a false sense of what life looks like. They need to know that you are not perfect. Even more, they need to know how to resolve, fix, move through all of what life is so they can do it when you're not there to clean up after them.

Showing yourself does not just apply to your children either. The best relationships are the ones in which you can be real, raw, unfiltered. Presenting a false self is a false relationship, and is way too difficult to maintain....Just be you always! No matter what that looks like. Here's a tip, if you think it's something you should hide from the world, perhaps it's something you should work on changing rather than hiding!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are so right! The only outcome from a false relationship is dysfunction. Not to mention that our kids miss out on possibly or greatest gift we can offer them... our own experiences. And I think your point about hiding problems from the world is the core of the issue. If we're trying to hide something from our kids, our family, or our friends; it's because we've not worked through it, or possibly have no intention of working through it. It's humbling, but that's what we want right? The respect of humble children that can grow and flourish without dysfunction.
