Monday, June 22, 2015

Why Do You Feel You Need To Explain Yourself?

If you find yourself always feeling the need to "explain yourself" and your feelings and your decisions, then you are not living functionally. Either it is because you are in a full on dysfunctional relationship(s), or it is because you are not healthy in yourself. If you are "whole" and strong in yourself, you do not rely on others to "feed" you. This means that you are not seeking others' approval, acceptance, understanding in order to feel validated. Toiling about explaining yourself is you not feeling confident and secure in your decisions, feelings, beliefs, etc., and when another is in opposition or disagreement with you, you feel the impulse to explain, change, excuse yourself to them. Trying to figure something out and asking questions or talking through something with someone is not what's being discussed here, but instead the constant need to please and be approved of by others. Know what you know, believe with conviction what you believe, be willing to grow and change as you find necessary through self examination and progression on your journey, but don't feel less than and change every which way based on other's "judgment" of you from their perspective. Honor yourself and others will honor you in return.....Dishonor yourself and others will continue to walk all over you and your lack of boundaries.


  1. I am finding that this is one of the hardest things to change as I am on my journey of healing and self examination. I feel like I am trying to teach an old dog new tricks. Sometimes I do really well and other times fall flat on my face. Your blog really helps with encouraging words to keep traveling on my path to a healthier and happier me.

    1. Thanks for also encouraging me continuing to write this blog ;-) It helps to know it's useful!
