Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Don't Run

Whatever you run from, you become. Whether this is you becoming the "thing" you are running from or you becoming the "victim" of it. Examples: Sometimes we run from stress and tasks and then find ourselves reaping the repercussions. We become or create the very circumstances we are trying to avoid by not facing them. Sometimes we run from confrontations and then find ourselves either succumbing to a situation that is completely against us, or behaving worse in the situation than the person we needed to confront in the first place. Sometimes we avoid becoming "like a person" (a parent, a screw up, etc.) and in all the avoidance lacking examination and growth "to just be us", we instead become the epitome of who we were running from becoming (either by being a horrible opposite or the very behavior). Doing or being the opposite of something we detest isn't the best....what's better is examining and facing what you don't want to become and the whys and figuring out who you should become, not just running in a different direction for the sake of not being something. Bottom-line, examine, question, grow, but in all cases face what you need to face. Running, hiding, judging, to avoid/escape in almost all cases land you exactly in worse situations of the same sort.

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