Monday, June 1, 2015

Turn The Other Cheek.....Not Always

Whether you are a Christian or not, we are all familiar with the phrase of "turn the other cheek". Here's the thing though, not if you are being abused and used or mistreated. It does not say anywhere in the Bible that Christians, or anyone, should be second class citizens and take whatever treatment is dished upon us. If there is someone who is flailing and trying and insulting you in some way, but you find yourself in a position of helping that person be better, then yes you should "turn the other cheek". If there is someone who is maliciously or selfishly mistreating you, your boundaries for their own gains, then enforcing your boundaries and protecting yourself is absolutely the best lesson the other can receive from you. Don't be a victim! Christ did not teach such, nor was that the example He set! By the same token, don't be an ass either....firm and concise is all that is required when being mistreated.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right, and this "turn the other cheek" phrase seems to have been misunderstood and misapplied repeatedly. I wonder if it is more a call to keep our ego in check? It's like when children fight. One gets their feelings hurt and retaliates, with a little extra something to make sure their ego is satisfied. We know that this sets off a chain reaction of retaliation that leads to all out brawls and broken friendships. But somehow, adults think they're justified in gossip, character assassination, or passive aggressive retaliation. It is all just the same thing isn't it? Better to let that go, forgive the person, and set up better boundaries.
