Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Invest & Waste Your Time Wisely

What's the numero uno excuse for why folks "can't" (fill in the blank)? Answer: 'no time'. Yep, it's the time factor (fall guy)...king of all excuses. We choose to absently waste time in abundance without consideration of our responsibilities, health, etc., and then it's gone, and we don't know how to "fit" in all the have to's, want to's, etc. Here's the thing: Just like with eating healthy MINDFULLY, using our time MINDFULLY is key. This means paying attention and tracking (for a time) where our time legitimately goes. Consider this: When shifting to a healthy eating plan, you initially have to track your food to account for all the nibbles, tastes, bites you are consuming. Regard your intake of social media, electronic games, texting, etc., as those mental nibbles, tastes, bites that mindlessly waste your time (Candy Crush much?). It's totally fine to build all that into your day, just be honest about where you are spending your time. Poorly wasting your time is as bad to your mental, physical, spiritual, and relationship daily life as is poorly eating throughout your day is to your fitness goals. Make better choices by making a legit plan and tracking it until it's habit. Invest your time wisely by allowing your outlets of time wasters as your legit "down time", and fill in all the new free time with investments to your well being!

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