Friday, October 23, 2015

Lost Your Umph?

Loosing your mojo is yucky. It happens mostly when we get overextended and in repeated violation of our own self. Being down and feeling like giving up is the hole in which we then reside once we've gone too long in that place. Climbing up out of the hole and getting our umph back seems like an impossible feat and one not even worth trying at times. So what needs to be done to get back to you? Pause, examine, and make some difficult decisions. Listen to what your subconscious is telling you, not what your surroundings and giving up self is muttering at you. It's hard to climb out when you're drowning in the impossible, so not focusing on all the drowning and instead looking at the reality and the choices available. Know that 'pushing through' is not always the right answer. You'll know this to be true if you still feel like hell after thinking that is your only option. Simply trudging forth into what knocked you down in the first place could be nothing more than your ego not allowing you the option of defeat for what you were trying. The only failure would be giving up altogether, not trying something different or walking away from what isn't healthy for you. Failure isn't acknowledging something isn't working and you either deciding it was not going to work because of xyz and trying something different or a different approach to the same end.

1 comment:

  1. That, is some really excellent advice. Timely too. I especially like the litmus test to see if "pushing through" is the right choice or not. I suppose we all instinctively know the best course to take. The trick is being able to clear out ego, fear, and hurt feelings, and see our instincts clearly. Thank you! This is exactly what I needed.
